These are features to be implemented or bugs that need to be fixed, feel free to create a PR if you want to contribute to one of these issues. Checked features indicate they are almost finished or are merged with main/master.
⭐️ — For v.1.0.0
- [ ] Dark mode (easy, low priority)
- [ ] Edit env vars once they are set (high priority)
- [ ] Allow multiple dokku-servers (hard, but important)
- [ ]
dokku proxy:build-config
after modifying domain
- [ ] Domain SSH is adding quotation marks so it never gets added, somehow doesnt throw error?
- [ ] "Environments", one project can have "production", "development", "testing", etc (hard)
- Each environment is connected to a different branch on github or git deploys, would need to figure out how to make this easy in the UI and as routes on the API.
- [ ] Listen to exit codes, some dokku functions may call certain exit codes for certain errors
- [ ] Move initial props over to SSR
- [ ] Builds can stall and be stuck in "building" forever
- [x] — partially figured out, need to investigate further
- [ ] Issue identified: Build log queue is delayed, so when a build completes and is set to completed/failed, the queued build log will just return it back to building/deploying
- [ ] If a repo is connected to multipe projects, only the oldest one triggers a deployment on git push